We frequently get asked, what happens when you take cannabis or medical marijuana?  When your brain is on cannabis the endocannabinoid system is affected and this video answers the question, “What happens to your brain on cannabis?” in a clear, simple and scientific way.

Neurons Process Information in the Brain

Neurons process information in the brain.  By releasing neurotransmitters from the Axon of one neuron to the Dendrite of another, it changes the changes the electrical charge of the receiving neuron.  This causes either an excited or inhibited response from the receiving neuron.  If excited, the signal gets passed on to other neurons in the brain.

Cannabis Contains Cannabinoids Which Resemble Neurotransmitters

Cannabis contains chemicals that exist in our very own brains called Cannabinoids.  One of these cannabinoids is THC, which resembles the naturally occurring neurotransmitter Anandamide.   Anandamide are specialized neurotransmitters that are released when neurons have just fired.  Neurons take a break (become inactive) to prevent them from over-reacting.

Cannabinoids Interrupt The Normal Processing of Information

Cannabinoids interrupt this naturally occurring process to remove the refractory period of the neurons that are already active, resulting in your thoughts, perception and imagination to magnify.  This means that once you begin your train of thought it becomes the most profound thing ever.  You get caught up in the idea and your neurons keep firing until a new idea takes hold and you go off on a new tangent.

Cannabinoids also affect the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain usually leading to a sense of euphoria, relaxation, pain modulation, and general enhancement of an experience.  The Cannabinoids can also cause anxiety and affect short-term memory, learning, coordination, movement control and higher cognitive functions.


The Brain on Cannabis