
Older Adults and Marijuana

What Happens When Medicare Patients Need Medical Marijuana But Can’t Afford It?
8 years ago

What Happens When Medicare Patients Need Medical Marijuana But Can’t Afford It?

Though legal medical marijuana is now a reality in Florida, legalization is also only the first step in the battle for many patients. The next step is actually being able …
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The Story so Far: Older adults and Medical Marijuana Uses
8 years ago

The Story so Far: Older adults and Medical Marijuana Uses

There is an increased use of marijuana among the older adults as seen in recent times. Analysts say that, about 7000 people per day are trying cannabis for their first …
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Why Senior Citizens Need to Forget the Past and Reconsider Using Medical Marijuana
8 years ago

Why Senior Citizens Need to Forget the Past and Reconsider Using Medical Marijuana

In California, the move to vote for the recreational use of marijuana would have passed were it not for the senior citizens’ failure to vote in its favor. One would …
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As More States Consider Legalizing, Questions About Pot And The Brain
8 years ago

As More States Consider Legalizing, Questions About Pot And The Brain

There’s been many studies comparing IQ tests from a habitual pot smoker to a non-smoker with various ages, outcomes vary and we still don’t know if pot is even the …
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How Marijuana Can Alleviate Migraines
8 years ago

How Marijuana Can Alleviate Migraines

If you’ve ever experienced a migraine, it’s one of the most debilitating lasting pain one can ever experience. Currently, Migraine suffers treat current pain with over-the-counter medications, prescribed medications and …
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The Silver Tour Aims to Educate Florida’s Seniors About Medical Cannabis
10 years ago

The Silver Tour Aims to Educate Florida’s Seniors About Medical Cannabis

The Silver Tour Aims to Educate Florida’s Seniors About Medical Cannabis

Robert Platshorn is a pitchman, cannabis activist, a senior himself and former cannabis smuggler, who was once accused by …
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