
Teaching Seniors the benefits of marijuana

The Story so Far: Older adults and Medical Marijuana Uses
8 years ago

The Story so Far: Older adults and Medical Marijuana Uses

There is an increased use of marijuana among the older adults as seen in recent times. Analysts say that, about 7000 people per day are trying cannabis for their first …
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Why Senior Citizens Need to Forget the Past and Reconsider Using Medical Marijuana
8 years ago

Why Senior Citizens Need to Forget the Past and Reconsider Using Medical Marijuana

In California, the move to vote for the recreational use of marijuana would have passed were it not for the senior citizens’ failure to vote in its favor. One would …
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Robert Platshorn Raising Money To Educate Seniors About Cannabis
10 years ago

Robert Platshorn Raising Money To Educate Seniors About Cannabis

Robert Platshorn will be holding a fundraiser on September 11th to raise money for the Silver Tour, a live event to educate senior citizens about the benefits of medical …
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