Marijuana 101Medical and Health News

What is CBD?

By  •  8 years ago

Cannabis is made up of lots of different cannabinoids … over a hundred, in fact. Of them, the two you hear about most are THC and CBD. In today’s post …
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Compassionate Use Act (Low THC)Older Adults and MarijuanaAmendment 2 (2016)

What Happens When Medicare Patients Need Medical Marijuana But Can’t Afford It?

By  •  8 years ago

Though legal medical marijuana is now a reality in Florida, legalization is also only the first step in the battle for many patients. The next step is actually being able …
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Compassionate Use Act (Low THC)Amendment 2 (2016)Medical and Health News

The Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act and Amendment 2: A Simple Guide

By  •  8 years ago

Florida celebrated a big win for medical marijuana on November 8, but it also created a kind of complicated situation, since the state already had a more limited medical marijuana …
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PoliticsAmendment 2 (2016)Marijuana Legalization in Florida

Will Trump determine the fate of Medical Marijuana in Florida?

By  •  8 years ago

Over 71% of voters in Florida approved an amendment that sought to expand medical pot in November, 2016. However, the fate of marijuana patients who have heavily relied on weed …
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Medical and Health NewsFeatured StoriesResearch

The Story so Far: Older adults and Medical Marijuana Uses

By  •  8 years ago

There is an increased use of marijuana among the older adults as seen in recent times. Analysts say that, about 7000 people per day are trying cannabis for their first …
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